Download Cool Spot – My Abandonware – Install Game

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Download Cool Spot | – DOS game, 1994

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Cool Spot is a mascot for 7 Up, introduced in During нажмите чтобы узнать больше time, the red spot in the 7 Up logo was anthropomorphized: given arms, legs, a mouth, and sunglasses. British video games developer Virgin Interactive\’s American studio produced a platform game starring the 7 Up Spot, entitled Cool Spot. There are two components for playing a snes Cool Spot game on your PC.

The first component is the emulation program which can imitate the snes OS and software. Step 1: you can start by downloading a reliable and bug free emulator. Once you have finished downloading snes9xcool spot pc game free download the downloaded. After, double click the snes9x.

Your emulator will now be ready to play Cool Spot. Fres ROM is essentially a virtual version of the game that needs to be loaded into the emulator. Navigate to the downloaded. The game will now run on the emulator and you can play the game freely. Tip: Saving games on an emulator functions a little differently. The integrated save system will not save your progress. You can save your progress in whatever point you like within the game, not only on the official checkpoints offered by the game.

Home Emulators Platforms Games Blog. Description Cool Spot is freee mascot for 7 Up, introduced in The second component is the Cool Spot game itself to play on cool spot pc game free download Please verify that you are not a robot to continue.

Unfortunately downloading video cool spot pc game free download roms is against Nintendo\’s terms and conditionseven if the games are old and no longer being sold by the copyright owner, downkoad we can\’t provide any rom file for download via this website.

But we have some good news: You can find the game you seek on another website by clicking here or buy a copy of the game on Amazon.


Cool spot pc game free download. Download Cool Spot for Windows

Browse By Cool Spot runs on DOS. However, what actually the game is lacking is it doesn\’t feature a new look-and-feel продолжить чтение a platform game and you don\’t feel yourself having played something special either. Maybe you could also blame our 7-Up mascot for its downllad slow movement. Cool spot The platform game, the cool spot is a video game released in the year


Cool spot pc game free download


Although you\’ve seen the same game before on the Genesis, SNES owners may find Cool Spot\’s cool spot pc game free download game play and clean graphics refreshing and new, kind of cool spot pc game free download This seven-level, multi-scrolling commercial for the Uncola seems like the worst sort of crass commercialism until you actually get into the game. Spot\’s little Spot friends are being held hostage. Your task is to free one Spot buddy per each side-view level, and they\’re hidden very перейти на страницу. You guide Spot across well-drawn and well-animated human-size backgrounds, like a huge tub, a beach, a perilous pier, and in between the walls of a house.

The game play is simple. You hop cool spot pc game free download jump over obstacles and enemies, and search for your friends. Along the way, you also need to collect Cool Points, which are surprise! If you collect 85 dots, you go to a Bonus Level surprise again Other power-ups include bottles of 7-Up, which help you regain your strength during a level. Spot needs all the help he can get as he battles crafty crabs, menacing s;ot, terrifying toys, calamitous clams, and other enemies.

Some of his foes can fire projectiles, while others just run into cool spot pc game free download every which way they can. Your Cool Spot comes equipped with some Un-conventional ammo namely, bubble blastswhich he spew in eight directions.

The game\’s effortless controls make Spot easy to maneuver. Cool Spot\’s graphics are very cool, indeed. As Spot roams the landscape, his foes are miniaturized to make Spot the big man on can-pus.

A cool spot pc game free download of attention was paid to detail; the hooks laying around the piers can hurt you, and the mouse traps will spring you forward if you hit them in the right Spot. Spot\’s music is more than effervescent.

The familiar cool spot pc game free download, like \” Wipeout \” and the theme to The Magnificent Seven, are quite appropriate. You also clearly hear every pop and fizzle in this game, as well clol the oh-so-cute digitized voices downoad the Spots. Cool Spot\’s only drawback is one that most gamers won\’t mind: 7-Up\’s game is more frustrating than Pepsi up your nose.

Limited continues and a lack of passwords mean you have to finish the game in one sitting. Get the picture? Even so, you\’ll find this game fun, and a real challenge to boot. Bet on the red this time and save yourself a Spot.

What\’s black and white and red all over? Try Cool Spots! These well-rounded spokes-spots for 7-Up are now детальнее на этой странице in their very own Genesis game. An evil nasty has kidnapped an entire horde of Cool Spots. You take charge of the sole survivor and guide him on his search for his comrades through a strange, larger-than-life world — ours!

Download this game, and the first thing you\’re gonna notice is the enchanting personality of the Spots, which is captured effectively through a range of these little guys\’ different animations. They surf on 7-Up bottles, yawn or play with a yo-yo when they\’re bored, leap and flip across the screen, clean their glasses, and warble in excited little squeaky voices.

The backgrounds in each level are equally well-done, although with minimal animation. Once Cool Spot\’s looks pull you in, you\’ll find the game play simple to learn, but somewhat uneven. The Spots can run, jump, and fire bubbles at their foes. Although the controls are easy to learn and generally straightforward, it\’s often tough to get the little guys to jump with precision and fire their bubbles in diagonal directions. This can get very un-cool, especially when you\’re trying to leap from bubble to bubble in Level 4\’s Wading Around, or trying to fire at buzzing bees in Level 2\’s Pier Pressure.

In each of the game\’s 11 levels, the Spots are hoppin\’ and boppin\’ through a different landscape. Spot will travel from the seashore complete with happenin\’ Rastafarian tunesto the pier, to between the walls, to a wading pool, to a toy train in a toy cool spot pc game free download, to a strange hi- tech laboratory.

Each level features downloqd human-size terrain that a quarter-size Spot must negotiate. Scads of uncool enemies with a humorous attitude hang out in each of the different levels. Hermit crabs crawl across the sandy beach and sport polka-dotted boxer shorts узнать больше здесь you blast \’em.

Mice in pinstriped nightshirts fling hunks of cheese at you between the walls. The aim of each level is simple: Collect enough Spots to open the cage and release your Cool Spot buddy. However, if Spot jams his way through the easier, early levels, he won\’t have enough lives built up to cover his To build up lives, Spot\’s got to collect Spots and other power-ups, such as 7-Ups, which читать полностью you seven spots.

Once Cool\’s racked up cool spot pc game free download points, he can earn 1-ups and enter the six different Bonus Rounds. One particular power-up keeps Spot in the pink. Guess what the little frew likes to drink?

No big surprise! A tall frosty glass spof appears when Spot implodes an enemy. Spot starts off easy and gets tougher around Level 4\’s Cool spot pc game free download Around.

Adjustable challenge makes the cool guys refreshing for anyone — beginning to advanced gamers. Changing the difficulty setting adds new and tougher enemies to each level. Plus, it\’ll put the Cool Spot prisoner in a harder-to-reach location. Although Tree Spot doesn\’t pack the all-around, in-depth, complex game play found in Sonic The Hedgehog or Super Marioit\’s got enough going for it to guarantee the little guys a decent following in the video game world.

Worst case, you\’re gonna have an insatiable craving for a glass of 7-Up! If, like me, you realised long ago that adverts are the only things worth watching on tv these days, then you probably need no introduction to Cool Spot.

If, on the other hand, you are one of those unenlightened souls who still watches the programmes that television перейти insist on interrupting the adverts with, then I\’d better explain that Cool Spot is not, in fact, a suave and sophisticated zit, and introduce him, her or it, as the star of the media campaign for 7-Up. Cool Spot also enjoyed a considerable amount of attention last summer when he she or it became the rather unlikely protagonist of one of the best games to appear on the Sega Mega Drive.

Now the little chappie chapesse or, er In the time-honoured tradition of character licensing this is, of course, a platform game. The objective of the scarlet pimple-nell is simply to fight his way through a series of two-dimensional scenes to find and rescue a fellow spot donload has been incarcerated in a cage.

This task is made more difficult than it sounds on two counts. Firstly, our hero heroine, or urn These spots, you understand, while most cool spot pc game free download red, are of the inanimate variety.

Secondly, he has to fight off a variety of malign beasties who prefer their environment to be spotless sorry about that! The levels range from the shore, on which Cool Spot is beset by a motley selection of shellfish, to a steam train going full-pelt, complete with coo, bandits. Cool Spot dispatches these creatures by firing a stream of bubbles at them and for those of you with overactive and downooad imaginations; a don\’t be so disgusting, and b you\’re totally wrong.

The bubbles can be aimed in any direction, a fact which sppt miss at your peril, since you will soon find yourself in situations where enemies have to be destroyed from odd angles, or even when they are just out of sight off the edge of the screen. The reason being that many of the little sods downllad projectiles back or drop bombs on you, so half the trick is finding a location where you can attack them without fear of reprisal.

Even in the throes of death many of the enemies find ways of getting their downloaf back at you by exploding or making a last mad dash in your direction. Beyond the extremely abstract nature of its protagonist, it has to be said that Coo!

Spot doesn\’t really offer anything you haven\’t already seen if you\’ve played the likes cool spot pc game free download Robocod, Trolls or Zoo! You can make fool spot spin, roll, do somersaults and a host of other ridiculously energetic activities that will have any self-respecting couch potato feeling quite ill. Leave it alone and the bloody thing still insists on fidgiting all over the place, clicking its fingers and messing with its sunglasses.

The level designs are, on the whole, pretty uninspired, although there are two which merit particular attention. One is composed entirely of slides and air tubes and has you alternately sliding rapidly from the top to the bottom of the level and riding back up to the top on a current of air only to slip all the way back down again.

That is until you get the knack of defeating gravity and jumping back up the slides, an exercise that is somewhat akin to running the wrong way up a down-moving escalator. Dowmload only other level that has a real spark of originality cool spot pc game free download the steam train, which free superbly done in mock Western style. On each level you must collect a particular percentage of the available bonus spots before you are allowed to shoot the lock of the cage cool spot pc game free download free your not so cool buddy.

Relief from the normal run of events is to be had, however, if you manage to collect a higher percentage of spots. In the doanload case, before you are cruelly thrust into the next mad world, you find yourself running the gauntlet of the bonus level which is k set, wait for it, in a kV 7-Up can. The Wk objective here being to collect yourself a nice, fat bonus score by collecting even more bonus I spots. This is where some of the acrobatic skills you gained in the normal levels really come in handy, because to reach most of the spots you have to jump between balloons, which involves leaping from one and trying to grasp the string of another in mid-air, or by riding in bubbles which take you only a short distance before bursting.

A badly timed move at this stage will send you plummeting to the bottom of the can. Fortunately though, the end result is not bits of dead Cool Spot floating around in your 7-Up, since our hero is more flexible than Access and simply flops around pathetically, pretending to do the dying-fly for a while when he hits the deck.

I can\’t help coming away from Cool Spot lc the overall impression that it\’s all show and very little substance. Admittedly, the funky soundtrack and excellent animation really add something but, at the end of the day, this is a platform title which isn\’t really breaking any new ground. You\’ll find a lot more variety and invention in Zool 2for instance, which is reviewed on page 56 of this issue. Cool Spot seems to downloar substituted difficulty cool spot pc game free download challenge for variety and length.

That will please some accomplished game players, but not many. Having said all that, this is, notwithstanding the original game design, an outstanding conversion of the Mega Drive game which loses absolutely nothing in terms of style or playability over the original. What\’s round, cute and red all over? Why, Cool Spot of course! Virgin\’s witty dot character is bouncing his way over to the Super NES. Spot\’s bubbly friends are missing in action. Cool himself is the only one that can save them.

Help our shaded hero find them.


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