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Remote assistance solution for customer support teams with shared screen, voice call, and remote control. Improve service quality and efficiency for businesses. Help your families walk through device issues, or directly take control of it. Integrate AirDroid Business to your devices, strengthen products and services. Failed to load the data, please retry.

Remote Support should be installed on the device of the supportee. For the supporter:. Sand Studio is a customer-first company that builds software designed to improve efficiency and productivity for individuals and business of all sizes. Our solutions include mobile device management, remote control, and remote support. AirDroid Personal. Remote Support for your family.

Yes and no. If you\’re an IT admin, then yes: the download on this page has everything you need to set up the Mobility Print server. If you\’re looking to print as an employee or student, you\’ll need to get the Mobility Print client from your IT team in most cases , so get in touch with them.

We do provide some great self-help documentation around installing and configuring Mobility Print, over in the Mobility Print Help Center.

Check out the Comparison between Mobility Print and Google Cloud Print article for more details – including server requirements and handling groups with Mobility Print. Follow the Mobility Print Setup guide for more information. Keeping your data secure is of utmost importance to us — and that goes for our paid and free products alike. We don\’t track or store individual print job information; and if you provide your email address, we transmit and store it fully encrypted.

We do, however, track some system-level information to assist our development, like server operating system and print volumes from different client types. These features are available with PaperCut print management. Contact our friendly customer care team at sales papercut. Once installed, share the setup link found at the bottom of the Mobility Print Admin page with your users.

You can continue to use Google Cloud Print in parallel until you\’re happy all of your users have migrated to Mobility Print. Share the setup link with your users and switch off Google Cloud Print once you\’re happy all of your users have migrated over. Read the detailed Google Cloud Print migration guide for more information. In a nutshell, Cloud Print enables the client to always find the fastest route for a print job to the Mobility Print server. In fact, all communication is sent via this encrypted peer-to-peer connection.

Read the Cloud Print setup guide for more information. Cloud Print is currently not supported on Android and iOS to print via the internet, outside your network. However, Mobility Print is supported on Android and iOS if you wish to print locally within your network. Worrying about what to do now that Google Cloud Print ended?

How does it work? Feature-rich and easy to use. Chromebooks and beyond Auto-install printer drivers to print from a mix of Chromebooks, iPads, iPhones, Macs, Windows, and Android devices. Simple self-setup for users Point users to a self-setup page to find the shared network printers themselves and ease the load on your IT team. Cloud Print Harness the internet to print remotely and outside the network from Windows, Chromebook and Mac devices.

Compare product features. Do more with your BYOD printing Mobility Print leverages powerful features and technology to help you get the most out of everyday printing, every day. Printing is secure Print jobs and metadata are sent via an encrypted peer-to-peer connection. Printing is lightning-fast Keeps printing lightning-fast in every scenario: jobs stay local when possible, and the peer-to-peer delivery over the internet takes the fastest route possible.

Which product is right for me? Globally proven and preferred Over 10 million people happily use Mobility Print across the globe — from large enterprises and law firms to schools big and small. What our customers are saying. PaperCut and Google. Partnered with Google for your benefit We work closely with Google to optimize printing on Chromebooks — the most adopted device in education, and a growing front runner in enterprise business.

Learn more. Download Mobility Print IT admins only. We\’ll even send you some next steps to get you up and running!


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